A Philosophy of Stars – I’m Still Learning It

It turns out that some more issues were discovered with the book, this time with the cover, so I have submitted those to be corrected. Once they are corrected, I will again review them, but I will take a little more time.

I have to admit that I did things a little differently this time around—diverting from a tried-and-true checklist I’d created—and was perhaps a little rushed toward the end (though I did not feel that way at the time) in getting everything submitted to Ingram. I wanted it out by Memorial Day Weekend. I was trying to get things in before a vacation, but I was also dealing with a lot of physical pain (RLS and other issues). I just tried to do too much too fast. Perhaps because of this, or as a result of it all, I have also noted that during the past few months everything I have had a hand in…well, I seem to have had to redo everything. Literally. Physically and metaphysically. Or that I’ve had to always WAIT on something out of my control. There’s obviously a lesson here.

So, please, forgive me.

I’m not saying the interior will be 100% error free, but I want the best product that I can put out. Any “future errors” in the book should be minor, and I hope I’ve actually caught them all, but I will read through the book and make sure I catch all that I can!

I saw that at least one person—in the UK—had already ordered a copy of this book, and I apologize that it’s going to be just a bit delayed, but you will get it!

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About fpdorchak

Speculative and paranormal fiction author. Please check out my website: https://www.fpdorchak.com/. Thank you for stopping by!
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