Tail Gunner

The past month or so, I’ve been having this persistently strong urge to write about a WWII B-17 tail gunner, so this week I began the story.  Am ten or so pages into it.  I got the urge last month or so, while stretching in the gym.  I was overcome by powerful emotion about a guy shot down over Germany during a bombing run. The imagery continued to plague me, so I knew I had to do this.  It was emotional, it was fearful, it was tragic. Then a short time later, while channel surfing at home, I spotted the Memphis Belle movie on TV.  I didn’t bother with it (though mentally noted the synchronicity), but later that night I again crossed paths with the movie, and sat and watched it for a spell, hitting the record key.  As I watched it, the last half hour, it showed a bombing run over Germany, and the scene where another B-17 in the formation was struck by a German plane that the Memphis Belle had just shot down.

This was my story.  The imagery in my head that wouldn’t go away.

Hope I do it (and the gunner) justice.

About fpdorchak

Speculative and paranormal fiction author. Please check out my website: https://www.fpdorchak.com/. Thank you for stopping by!
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16 Responses to Tail Gunner

  1. Pingback: The Tail Gunner and His Ticket Taker « Runnin Off at the Mouth….

  2. Pingback: The B-17 Liberty Belle « Runnin Off at the Mouth….

  3. fpdorchak says:

    Reblogged this on Reality Check and commented:

    I’ve reblogged this to my Reality Check site, since I don’t seem to find this post there, and it’s on this site where I’m, keeping a record of things-paranormal in my life!

  4. Pingback: My Civil War Life | Reality Check

  5. Pingback: Dreams | Reality Check

  6. Pingback: The Man With No Name | Runnin Off at the Mouth....

  7. Pingback: Tail Gunner | Runnin Off at the Mouth....

  8. Pingback: The Reincarnation of F. P. Dorchak | Reality Check

  9. Pingback: The Reincarnational Conundrum | Reality Check

  10. Pingback: Floating | Reality Check

  11. Pingback: Float Number 3: Or Where The Hell Am I? | Reality Check

  12. Pingback: Another Time, Another Me | Reality Check

  13. Pingback: A Beautiful Voice…In My Head | Reality Check

  14. Pingback: If You Ask, They Will Come | Reality Check

  15. Pingback: A Hand in the Night | Reality Check

  16. Pingback: Nothing To See Here… | Reality Check

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