Voice Synchronicities

Charting Synchronicities. (Prosopee derivative work: Augurar [Schéma_synchronicité.jpg] [CC BY-SA 3.0 {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0}], via Wikimedia Commons)

Charting Synchronicities. (Prosopee derivative work: Augurar [Schéma_synchronicité.jpg] [CC BY-SA 3.0 {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0}], via Wikimedia Commons)

I couldn’t write about these until I made my new novel’s title (Voice) public, but the past couple of months I’ve been seeing all kinds of media and movies and commercials tied to “voices.” Many will say it’s merely a case of being more aware of whatever it is I’m doing. But I have to say I’ve had this manuscript on the back-burner for almost 20 years, and it’s always been on my mind. Pardon the pun.

Should I revive it?

Should I change it’s title?

Should I edit out the sex scenes?

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve given this manuscript tons of attention and/or thought over the years. But it’s literally only been the past few months to a year where I’ve seen a spate of “Voice“-related media:

The Affair the Showtime TV show.

The Birdman movie, with all its voices.

A “Make your voice heard – take this survey” e-mail survey I recently received.

The TV show “The Whispers.”

A billboard or two “talking” about “voices.”

A line in the poem, “Song of The Choosing,” by the deceased Jane Roberts, just made public (see the Black Sheep #126, the August/September 2015 issue, page 5): “And the hidden voices….”

On the SyFy Channel, August 18, at 6:30 in the morning MDT, was the series Paranormal Witness, the episode “A Ghostly Affair.” One of the people in the show was named “Rebecca.”

Voice. (© 2015, F. P. Dorchak and Lon Kirschner)

Voice. (© 2015, F. P. Dorchak and Lon Kirschner)

And as I wrote the cover-reveal post, I was playing Pandora, and the Hinder song “Better Than Me” played, which includes the line “…miss your hair in my face…”; you just have to love the synchronicity there!

There is a connectedness to all things. We just have to be aware of this and be open to them.

What should we make of all this “connectedness”?

Everything we do touches something else. Nothing occurs in a vacuum. Consider what it is you’re doing and how it will affect the world. You. Consider what this means to you. Everything has meaning. Just because we may not be able to discern a reason for something at the time of the event does not mean it has no meaning.

Everything is connected.

Consider the implications of that statement.

(The Butterfly Effect)

They are…quite far-reaching….

About fpdorchak

Speculative and paranormal fiction author. Please check out my website: https://www.fpdorchak.com/. Thank you for stopping by!
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11 Responses to Voice Synchronicities

  1. Jim Johnson says:

    Of all people I know, you’ll appreciate this the most. Recently, Suzanne and I attended a paranormal night investigation at the old jail in Cripple Creek. The attendees didn’t experience much nor did the investigators (Pikes Peak Crypto and Paranormal). That all changed when Suzanne, Leon (the PI), and I stepped into Cell 5. Here’s the 20 minute recording of Leon using a flashlight and a ghostbox. Takes about four minutes before my Uncle George decides to stop by for a visit. https://soundcloud.com/mahatma101/sets/paranormal

    • fpdorchak says:

      Dang it, can’t access the link, Jim! I’ve been offline since Thursday, when our modem died and just got reconnected yesterday. Can you repost the link?

      How cool you two did that! I’ve never done something like that, though have heard my name called out several times when no one was around….

      • mahatma101 says:

        Try this link, Frank…



        From: “Runnin Off at the Mouth….” Reply-To: “Runnin Off at the Mouth….” Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 05:06 To: Jim Johnson Subject: [New comment] Voice Synchronicities

        fpdorchak commented: “Dang it, can’t access the link, Jim! I’ve been offline since Thursday, when our modem died and just got reconnected yesterday. Can you repost the link? How cool you two did that! I’ve never done something like that, though have heard my name called out”

        • fpdorchak says:

          Huh, still not working. Is this a private playlist? Can you send it by email to me?

          • mahatma101 says:

            Let me know…

            From: “Runnin Off at the Mouth….” Reply-To: “Runnin Off at the Mouth….” Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 20:15 To: Jim Johnson Subject: [New comment] Voice Synchronicities

            fpdorchak commented: “Huh, not working, either, on iPad. Will try PC later….”

    • fpdorchak says:

      Ha–I thought you were going to play “…number nine…number nine…number nine….” :-] Will have to check out the lyrics, since can’t really make them out in this tune, and I’ve never been much of a Beatles fan….

      • Paul says:

        Yes, the lyrics aren’t super-clear on first listen, but they’re definitely pertinent! 🙂 (They’re printed below the video, in case you didn’t already notice that.) Although I AM a big Beatles fan, it took a while for this one to grow on me. When I first bought Sgt. Pepper’s years ago, I used to skip it all the time, but it eventually won me over. I’d never put it anywhere near the top of my list of favorite Beatle songs, though. Much too avant-garde. But the lyrics are actually rather wise. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. I believe in the connectedness of things, that fate usually takes us where we are supposed to go, even if we trip painfully along the way. My scientist son, however, says show me the proof that synchronicity rather than coincidence is at work in anything that correlates, wants proof: of god, of reincarnation, of any divine intervention. He believes in intuition but believes that is based on what we already know to have been true and thus our understanding/educated guess about something. Sometimes Max drives me crazy with his insistence that peer reviewed scientific studies are the things he trusts. And the rest, anything that requires any type of faith to believe… is just that a belief… no proof.

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