A HUGE Thank You To All of You!

By Erkan Yilmaz (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Erkan Yilmaz (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I just wanted to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to visit my sites (here, FacebookAbout Me, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest), read and review my work, or to mention any of this to another. In interacting with me on social media (oy, and trying to stay up and current on all this social media while working a day job, trying to WRITE, living a regular life…?!).

It is still weird to me, as long as I’ve been writing, the whole promotion thing…focusing attention on me…so, I look at it more as focusing attention on the work (I even have a hard time saying my work!). The books, the stories. These are things people like me like to say we “channel,” or sculpt into existence. Like a wood carver “discovering” the shape that “forms” out of tree trunks or limbs. We shape things. I suppose we all do it for different reasons, like entertainment, enlightenment, cathartic release. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before. Whatever the reason, we just do it. It’s what’s “built” into us…mechanics are drawn to oil and machinery and athletes to their sports. We’re all drawn to something in our lives. Writers/artists are no different. But in our case, without you, we’re only halfway there. To write is to be read, and I am ever grateful for you being on our team, because it is a team.

I appreciate that you’ve taken time out of your day to spend a little of it with people like me to read, comment, discuss, commiserate, what-have-you. There’s a lot going on out there, and I’m very appreciative of everyone’s time and efforts, and I periodically like to let you all know that I try to take very little for granted…especially my readers and support group—YOU.

Thank you!

About fpdorchak

Speculative and paranormal fiction author. Please check out my website: https://www.fpdorchak.com/. Thank you for stopping by!
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17 Responses to A HUGE Thank You To All of You!

  1. karen Lin says:

    You are a dear and I know what you mean about self-advertising. It goes against all the good things we learn from our moms and kindergarten teachers. 🙂

  2. That’s a cool thing to do in your blog. When you try to count the people who interact with us in our awesome organizations or through social media, the numbers boggle the mind. The friendship and the support is priceless.

    • fpdorchak says:

      It is, isn’t it? And it’s actually kinda humbling. People we’d never meet nor interact within our own local circles. I’ve been able to meet some cool people!

      Thank YOU for stopping by and commenting! :-]

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